Friday, January 3, 2014

BRRRRR It's cold outside.
With this frigid weather it is important that your horse's drink plenty of water. 
With temperatures so low, ice will form fast. A heated bucket is sweet, but if you don't have can fill the buckets with warm water and in the morning bring some boiling water out with you to pour in the buckets to melt the ice.  Some other ideas I heard were, putting an apple in the bucket, or some vegetable oil, or putting the bucket inside an old tire and bank it with bedding. 

Feed extra's burn more calories trying to stay warm.

Be careful not to make your barn too airtight. I would rather have a barn on the cooler side than so airtight that it becomes dusty (from shavings and hay) and over  humid.  That just breeds bacteria and could  irritation your horse's airway.

Don't forget to dress warm when you go out to the barn.  Wear gloves, hat, ski pants if you have them, insulated boots.  You can't get sick..your horse's need you.
If anyone has any other great ideas..please post them

That's all for now.. spring will be here soon
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